Wednesday, February 18, 2015

CAGE Garners More Signatures - Sent to Presidential Hopefuls

Robert Cramer is CAO of Cramer and Associates and the most recent author of a letter sent with 250 signatures to presidential hopefuls from Iowans concerned about the impact of gaming on our nation. 

Cramer considers himself a small-businessman, engineer, problem solver, numbers guy, conservative, and a man of faith. Cramer has served on several boards and panels including the Johnston School Board, Industry Advisory Council for the Construction Engineering Department at ISU, Associated General Contractors of Iowa Board of Directors, AGC liaison with Iowa DOT, AGC of IA Executive Committee, Blessman Ministries, Inc. Board of Directors.

Dear Governor Walker,

I am a bridge contractor and politically active citizen of Iowa.  My letter to you is accompanied by 250 signatures who oppose any expansion of gambling. These signatures represent Iowans across our state who are concerned about all aspects of the gambling industry and the impact it has on our communities as well as the communities that neighbor our state. 

It simply is not logical to think that an economic base can be created by increasing any additional licenses to potential casinos in the hope of generating revenue to support programs within an individual state. We’ve seen this happen in Atlantic City where casinos have closed their doors, jobs are lost and businesses are closed leaving that City almost bankrupt.

As you know, the strength of any state and that of our nation lies in the hands of the people.  We need industries and opportunities allowing them to have pride and satisfaction in earning a paycheck and see the results of their devoted hard work.  For the state to entice people (especially the poor) to spend their hard earned money in hopes of a “free lunch” from gambling sends the exact opposite message.

I thank you and the citizens of Iowa thank you for taking a stand in not supporting the proposed Kenosha casino in Wisconsin.  Thank you for your service and leadership as well as taking the time to read my letter and look at yet another group of Iowans who have signed the attached petitions.

Robert Cramer
