Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Is Huckabee Really a "Fierce Anti-Gambling Proponent"?

While on the campaign trail in Iowa earlier this winter, Presidential candidate Governor Mike Huckabee was the guest speaker at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cramer (former candidate for U.S. Senate). With over 50 attendees Governor Huckabee shared his vision on where our country should be headed in the future.  
After the Governor spoke, he visited with individuals and answered questions. Kim Schmett asked the Governor about his stand on gambling expansion on a national level.  The Governor said he feels gambling laws should be left to individual states - not a federal issue.  When pressed on the issue of the expansion of Indian gambling, he again stated that he felt it is a state issue and wouldn't act any further to change new legislation or executive orders that had been passed down from the current administration. 
When CAGE researched the history of Governor Huckabee we found that he is a "fierce Anti-Gambling Proponent" (
What do you have to say on this issue and Governor Huckabee's position?

Monday, December 14, 2015

Sanders has Mixed Feelings Regarding Gambling Expansion

Bernie Sanders, one of the Democratic candidates for President, has visited Iowa many times over the past year and many of those times were to the city of Des Moines. 

CAGE correspondent Paul Waddell had the opportunity to speak with him during one of Sanders events about his position on the expansion of gambling. Sanders said he had mixed feelings and needed to learn more about the issue. 

Waddell specifically asked him if that answer also included his position on the changes on the regulations of off-reservation casinos for Indian tribal gambling.  Sanders again responded that he would really need to learn more before he was quoted on the issue.  

In further researching Sanders voting history in Congress, we find that he did not support internet gambling and voted against it several times. We hope that this inclination continues with any further expansion of gambling.  

Tell us what you think...

Monday, September 21, 2015

Iowa Mayor Expresses Concern over Gambling Expansion - and the Harm it Causes Non-Profits

Mayor Skip Conkling appreciates the benefits provided by Prairie Meadows. a non-profit casino in his town of Altoona. He is concerned about the expansion of casinos we're seeing nationwide and how that could harm organizations trying to give back to the communities they are a part of.
Click here to read his open letter to all current presidential candidates.

The Honorable Skip Conkling is currently Mayor of the City of Altoona. Prior to this, he served on the Altoona City Council for 16 years. He is currently a commissioner on the Des Moines Area Regional Transit Commission, as well as a member of the Metropolitan Planning Organization, Metropolitan Advisory Council, 2030 Transportation Task Force and the Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Directors.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Graham and Rubio Fight Online Gambling through Legislation

Two presidential hopefuls are working to fight online gambling in their current role as lawmakers.

This summer Republican candidate Sen. Lindsey Graham (S.C.) reintroduced his Restoration of America’s Wire Act and attracted a new GOP co-sponsor, Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla), who is also running for president. Five other senators are also supporting the bill. 

Read more about the legislation here.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Senator Lindsey Graham Calls for Gambling Oversight

Citizens Against Gambling Expansion met with Senator Graham recently to discuss the expansion of Gambling. Graham said, "I'm not for any gambling in South Carolina period."  He said the issue was out of control across our nation and if elected president he would push to return to the terms with the Indian tribes as they were prior to Obama.  Graham says he also understands that there was little he could do at the present time except work to keep the issue to a minimum nationally. 

Click the video below to learn more about his views.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Marco Rubio Says Gambling is a Tax on the Poor

Senator Marco Rubio has been on the campaign trail this summer. CAGE caught up with him in both Iowa and South Carolina to learn his views on gambling expansion.
Rubio has a history of fighting gambling expansion in his home state of Florida.
Click the video below to learn more about his views.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Rick Santorum Shares his Views on Gambling

Senator Rick Santorum recently visited The Citadel Military School in Charleston, South Carolina. Matthew Mason, a Charleston resident and political activist, asked the Senator his position on gambling expansion. Santorum says he believes gambling is a tax on the people who play.

Please click on the video below to hear Santorum's complete response.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Carly Fiorina talks about the Expansion of Off-Reservation Gambling

CAGE's Connie Schmett, community activist and grassroots organizer in Iowa was at the Dallas County GOP Spring Speaker Series in May. 

She took some video of the meeting and had this to say:

"With the opportunity to see and hear Carly Fiorina speak, I clearly realize we need to elect a presidential candidate who will look at the larger picture when it comes to the gambling industry.  Casino market over-saturation is not good for economic growth of our communities nor sustainable job creation.
"We need a president who will roll back the Obama administration regulations that allow Indian tribes to apply for licenses for casinos any where in the United States.  Previous administrations have limited expansion of tribal casinos within no more than 50 miles of their reservations.  We need to use some common sense in dealing with this issue."

Click the video below to see Fiorina's response when asked about the expansion of off-reservation gambling.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

CAGE Garners More Signatures - Sent to Presidential Hopefuls

Robert Cramer is CAO of Cramer and Associates and the most recent author of a letter sent with 250 signatures to presidential hopefuls from Iowans concerned about the impact of gaming on our nation. 

Cramer considers himself a small-businessman, engineer, problem solver, numbers guy, conservative, and a man of faith. Cramer has served on several boards and panels including the Johnston School Board, Industry Advisory Council for the Construction Engineering Department at ISU, Associated General Contractors of Iowa Board of Directors, AGC liaison with Iowa DOT, AGC of IA Executive Committee, Blessman Ministries, Inc. Board of Directors.

Dear Governor Walker,

I am a bridge contractor and politically active citizen of Iowa.  My letter to you is accompanied by 250 signatures who oppose any expansion of gambling. These signatures represent Iowans across our state who are concerned about all aspects of the gambling industry and the impact it has on our communities as well as the communities that neighbor our state. 

It simply is not logical to think that an economic base can be created by increasing any additional licenses to potential casinos in the hope of generating revenue to support programs within an individual state. We’ve seen this happen in Atlantic City where casinos have closed their doors, jobs are lost and businesses are closed leaving that City almost bankrupt.

As you know, the strength of any state and that of our nation lies in the hands of the people.  We need industries and opportunities allowing them to have pride and satisfaction in earning a paycheck and see the results of their devoted hard work.  For the state to entice people (especially the poor) to spend their hard earned money in hopes of a “free lunch” from gambling sends the exact opposite message.

I thank you and the citizens of Iowa thank you for taking a stand in not supporting the proposed Kenosha casino in Wisconsin.  Thank you for your service and leadership as well as taking the time to read my letter and look at yet another group of Iowans who have signed the attached petitions.

Robert Cramer


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

More Signatures from CAGE for presidential hopefuls - urging AGAINST gambling expansion.

RNC National Chairwoman for the state of Iowa, Tamara Scott, wrote a letter to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker urging against gambling expansion.
Her letter was accompanied by 200 signatures from Iowans who are active in their communities and likely to participate in the upcoming Iowa Caucuses.
Click here to see what she has to say about gambling expansion.
Click here to read her letter.

Our last letter to the governor is still being talked about by Wisconsin bloggers and news sources. 
Check out these links:
"Iowa conservatives warn Walker about casino expansion"
"Walker's Presidential Ambitions Could Complicate Casino Decision"

According to The Family Leader, Tamara Scott has served in the public arena for decades. She currently serves as the Republican National Committeewoman for Iowa. She lobbies in D.C. and in the Iowa State House as the state director of the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization Concerned Women for America and as a family policy advocate for The FAMILY LEADER.on American Family Radio networks across the nation under the banner of “Restoring Hope.” She continues to fill in as a guest host on WHO 1040AM radio and is frequently interviewed by media outlets around the globe.

Friday, January 2, 2015

A Letter to Governor Walker from Iowans Against Kenosha Casino

Some Iowans sent a message to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker - telling him the proposed casino in Kenosha is not wanted or needed. 

Citizens Against Gambling Expansion supporter and Consumer Credit of Des Moines President, Tom Coates, signed a letter which accompanied a petition with 600 signatures signed by Iowans that are opposed to gambling expansion. 

Similar letters were also sent to Governor Chris Christie, Governor Bobby Jindal, Governor Jeb Bush, Governor Rick Perry and Congressman Paul Ryan - leaders across the country who - along with Walker - are considering a presidential run in 2016.

In his letter, Coates states his concerns about expanded gambling in Iowa:
“With the arrival of casinos in Iowa, the percentage of addicted or pathological gamblers rose from 1.7% of the population to 5.4%.  Recent legislation allows a pathological gambler to unban themselves from gambling after five years. The effects of creating pathological gamblers in our midst show a wide range of social pathologies playing out. Among these pathologies are: 22% divorce due to gambling, 49% steal to feed the habit, 40% lose their jobs, 63% contemplate suicide and 18% attempt suicide. Highest suicide rate for any addiction as heroin is next closest with 9%.” Coats go on to say “As you are contemplating a presidential bid, I sincerely hope you will consider a “No Expanded Gaming” policy.” 

Please support our efforts and join us in telling these potential presidential candidates that you are opposed to expanding gambling.

Click here to read the complete copy of the letter from Coates to Walker.