Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Is Huckabee Really a "Fierce Anti-Gambling Proponent"?

While on the campaign trail in Iowa earlier this winter, Presidential candidate Governor Mike Huckabee was the guest speaker at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cramer (former candidate for U.S. Senate). With over 50 attendees Governor Huckabee shared his vision on where our country should be headed in the future.  
After the Governor spoke, he visited with individuals and answered questions. Kim Schmett asked the Governor about his stand on gambling expansion on a national level.  The Governor said he feels gambling laws should be left to individual states - not a federal issue.  When pressed on the issue of the expansion of Indian gambling, he again stated that he felt it is a state issue and wouldn't act any further to change new legislation or executive orders that had been passed down from the current administration. 
When CAGE researched the history of Governor Huckabee we found that he is a "fierce Anti-Gambling Proponent" (
What do you have to say on this issue and Governor Huckabee's position?

Monday, December 14, 2015

Sanders has Mixed Feelings Regarding Gambling Expansion

Bernie Sanders, one of the Democratic candidates for President, has visited Iowa many times over the past year and many of those times were to the city of Des Moines. 

CAGE correspondent Paul Waddell had the opportunity to speak with him during one of Sanders events about his position on the expansion of gambling. Sanders said he had mixed feelings and needed to learn more about the issue. 

Waddell specifically asked him if that answer also included his position on the changes on the regulations of off-reservation casinos for Indian tribal gambling.  Sanders again responded that he would really need to learn more before he was quoted on the issue.  

In further researching Sanders voting history in Congress, we find that he did not support internet gambling and voted against it several times. We hope that this inclination continues with any further expansion of gambling.  

Tell us what you think...